How to convert decimal to binary

Conversion steps:

  1. Divide the number by 2.
  2. Get the integer quotient for the next iteration.
  3. Get the remainder for the binary digit.
  4. Repeat the steps until the quotient is equal to 0.

Example #1

Convert 1310 to binary:

by 2
Quotient Remainder Bit #
13/2 6 1 0
6/2 3 0 1
3/2 1 1 2
1/2 0 1 3

So 1310 = 11012

Example #2

Convert 17410 to binary:

by 2
Quotient Remainder Bit #
174/2 87 0 0
87/2 43 1 1
43/2 21 1 2
21/2 10 1 3
10/2 5 0 4
5/2 2 1 5
2/2 1 0 6
1/2 0 1 7

So 17410 = 101011102


How to convert binary to decimal ►


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